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  • Writer's pictureAdmin Totaltec

The International Petroleum and Maritime Academy (IPMA) announces a new Oil & Gas Training Course

October 28, 2019 – Georgetown, Guyana – The O&G Basic Operational Safety, Health and Environment (BOSHE) Training Program is IPMA’s most rigorous yet. Course participants undergo 21 days of immersion training, completing a curriculum comprised of safety and operational courses specific to the oil and gas industry to international standards.

The course is designed to enable participants to embark on careers in industry, covering all areas of oil & gas safety: Basic, Operational, Safety, Health and Environment training.

World-class Instructors

Experienced Instructors with oilfield operations field experience will coach students to be both more efficient and safer in all working environments. IPMA international and local Instructors come with years of industry experience, qualified to provide world class training and assessments.

Global Accreditation Partnerships

The IPMA is currently working with The National Accreditation Council (NAC) of Guyana. NAC was established in 2004 to ensure the continued promotion of quality and standards of education training in Guyana. Building on their deep international oil industry experience, TOTALTEC Oilfield Services and IPMA hope to assist the NAC in the development of accreditation programs for the unique requirements of the new to Guyana industry.

As part of the BOSHE program, TOTALTEC is engaging the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) for further accreditation to those standards, established for the North Sea. Scotland is well versed in training their people for careers in an offshore oil & gas industry and offers a rigorously assessed curriculum that is recognized globally.

Since its inception in early 2018, TOTALTEC’s IPMA Academy has graduated over 250 young Guyanese men and women, most of whom have gained employment and embarked on careers in the rapidly growing oil & gas industry in Guyana.

Said Senior VP, Operations Mike Henzell, “Working with the NAC and SQA will position IPMA at the forefront of industry training. Developing and accrediting courses to these international standards, with BOSHE the first, will both ensure the Guyana oil industry will operate to the highest international standards, and enable our qualified citizens to work industry-wide.”

Learn more about the NAC here:

Learn more about the SQA here:


TOTALTEC Oilfield Services is focused on the success of the oil industry in Guyana for the benefit the country, its people, and partner companies. It does this through three areas: people, partnerships, and facilities. Qualified and motivated Guyanese develop through the Academy. Partnerships prioritize products and services that are starting points to grow from, in effectively introduce companies new to Guyana. The Guyana Shore Base facility is now supporting offshore operations.

The 94% Guyanese TOTALTEC workforce includes 8 nationalities with over 160 years of international oilfield experience.



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