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24 Guyanese complete third training course of 2018 at the TOTALTEC Academy

7th December, 2018 – Georgetown, Guyana – TOTALTEC is pleased to announce that 24 Guyanese have successfully completed its third course of 2018 in safety and basics for oilfield operations, held at its International Petroleum & Maritime Academy (IPMA, also known as ‘the Academy’).

This brings the total to over 75 graduates year to date, with another course starting in the near future. The graduates are equipped with the fundamental skills to move into positions for any company active in operations in the emerging oil and gas sector.

The graduates were addressed by and received diplomas from Nigel Hughes, Managing Partner of Hughes, Fields and Stoby Law firm. Hughes, who is also a Director of the Guyana Oil and Gas Association (GOGA), told the graduates they are pioneers in an industry that will generate revenues that exceed any other industry in the country.

“The advent of oil in Guyana will require a change in our traditional culture. Your challenge is really to be able to put yourself in a position where you’re so qualified, your qualifications do not limit you to working only in Guyana but you are globally competitive,” Hughes charged the graduates.

Terrance Cav is the top graduating student from the training program. He said he joined to better himself. “My motivation is to be a better person all around. The only way from here now is up.”

Among this third group of 24 graduates are four women. Rubena Adiana, from Berbice is a beneficiary of training from the GuySuCo Training Centre, saying she signed up for the course to challenge herself. Other female graduates are Muarisia James, Coleen Moore and Kristina Balram.

James said she is privileged to be part of the industry. “For me, it is putting your best foot forward and letting persons and people know that … You choose to do that because it is what you want to do,” she added. Moore said she is excited to take her next step after graduating and Balram, wanting to be among the first Guyanese to work in the new industry.

“We are pleased to have both women and a number from the sugar industry joining our team”, said Chief Executive Officer, Lars Mangal. “The majority of the graduates will begin their oil industry careers at the Guyana Shore Base (GYSBI), an excellent place to develop the safety culture and skills necessary for the workforce of the future.”


TOTALTEC Oilfield Services is focused on the success of the oil industry in Guyana for the benefit the country, its people, and partner companies. It does this through three areas: people, partnerships, and facilities. Qualified and motivated Guyanese develop through the Academy. Partnerships prioritize products and services that are starting points to grow from, in effectively introduce companies new to Guyana. The Guyana Shore Base facility is now supporting offshore operations.

The 94% Guyanese TOTALTEC workforce includes 8 nationalities with over 160 years of international oilfield experience.

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