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Strategic Recruitment Solutions and TOTALTEC join forces in training.

10th December, 2018 – Georgetown, Guyana – TOTALTEC Oilfield Services have provided Strategic Recruitment Solutions (SRSGY) with a 1-week specialist course for Banksmen and Slingers at its International Petroleum & Maritime Academy (IPMA, also known as ‘the Academy’).

SRSGY provides a range of positions to the emerging Guyana oil industry, in particular to maritime services. Two important positions, with a critical role in safety, are banksmen, who direct the movement of loads using cranes or other means, and slingers, who supervise attachment of lifting equipment and direct movements.

SRSGY had an urgent client need for this training, and TOTALTEC was able to organize a course for 23 Guyanese in less than a week, using a certified instructor mobilized from Aberdeen, Scotland. This was possible due to this same training forming part of the Academy 8-week program in which TOTALTEC has trained over 75 Guyanese in 2018.

“SRSGY has selected the TOTALTEC Academy as their local training provider for Rigging, Slinging and Banksman Certification. This training is a prerequisite for several of the mariner positions we currently provide” said Kerri, Chief Executive Officer, Strategic Recruitment Solutions, Inc. She continued “SRSGY will continue to build capacities through training and development as well as support local training institutions and businesses.”

“We are proud to work with a fellow Guyanese company to provide training so that 23 of our citizens can begin careers in the oil industry,” said Lars Mangal, President & CEO of TOTALTEC. He continued, “That SRSGY recognizes the Academy provides training to the highest international standards, in particular for these safety critical positions, was critical to their decision.”


TOTALTEC Oilfield Services is focused on the success of the oil industry in Guyana for the benefit the country, its people, and partner companies. It does this through three areas: people, partnerships, and facilities. Qualified and motivated Guyanese develop through the Academy. Partnerships prioritize products and services that are starting points to grow from, in effectively introduce companies new to Guyana. The Guyana Shore Base facility is now supporting offshore operations.

The 94% Guyanese TOTALTEC workforce includes 8 nationalities with over 160 years of international oilfield experience.



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